Delegant has extensive expertise and comprehensive experience in organising Clinical Trial Investigator Meetings, including delivering these events virtually. Our Management Team comes from a healthcare background and has been involved in facilitating such meetings for over 20 years. We handle every aspect of these events, from sourcing suitable venues and arranging travel for investigators and site staff to managing AV requirements, coordinating with third-party suppliers for trial-specific training (such as Rater training), and producing materials. We can also integrate investigator meetings with other activities, such as CRA Training, Symposia, and Conferences.
We collaborate directly with Sponsor Companies, Contract Research Organisations (CROs), or a combination of both to deliver seamless clinical trial investigator meetings.
Delegant fully understands the critical importance of these meetings and the need to make arrangements as smooth as possible for doctors and site staff. Our streamlined processes include a user-friendly online registration system, simplifying travel and accommodation bookings for attendees. This system also provides clients with real-time access, enabling them to monitor progress, track attendance confirmations, view the status of individual arrangements, and oversee overall attendee numbers.
Our clients greatly value the transparency and convenience of this real-time visibility, accessible directly through their web browsers at any time.